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Julia Bobson

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Sam Cook

Wes Anderson Portland keffiyeh Schlitz cred. American Apparel synth twee, keffiyeh post-ironic Banksy craft beer...
Hundred Mental Direct Deposits

Price: R350
100 Days of Transformation

Price: R200.00

The FOCUS Course

Price: R995.00
Past Exam Papers
(2018 -2022/23)

Price: From R145 - R240
How to Choose a Career 
(Online Course)

Price: $11.95
Experts' Secrets to Getting Hired
(Video Course, Coaching Session and CV Revamp Package)
Price: R497.00
Finishing Your Qualification in Record Time (Hard Copy Edition)
Price: R270.00
Finishing Your Qualification in Record Time (Digital Edition)
Price: R195.00
How to Earn Your Degree Online (Digital Edition)

Price: R147.00
The Graduate Pack
(Hard Copy Edition)
Price: R215.00
The Graduate Pack 
(Digital Edition)
Price: R190.00
How to Write a 
Winning Vision Board 
(Online Course)
Price: R45.00
Time Management for College Students (Digital Edition)
Price: R280.00
Time Management for College Students (Audiobook Edition)
Price: R395.00
Time Management for College Students (Digital Edition)
Price: R280.00
Personal CV Review and 
Revamp Service 

Price: R395.00
One-on-One Employability Coaching Session 

Price: R995.00
Personal CV Revamp and Employability Coaching Session 
(1 Hour Online Session)
Price: R1,195.00
Personal Coaching Service
12 Months

Price: R800/month
Personal Coaching Service
6 Months 

Price: R1,000/month
Personal Coaching Service
3 Months

Price: R1,200/month
"It's Possible 
because It's Doable"
Price: R120
(excludes shipping)
"It's Possible
because It's Doable"
Price: R100
(excludes shipping)
"It's Possible
because It's Doable"
Price: R150
(excludes shipping)
"It's Possible 
because It's Doable"
Price: R350
(excludes shipping)
"It's Possible
because It's Doable"
Price: R150
(excludes shipping)
"It's Possible
because It's Doable"
Price: R120
(excludes shipping)
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please use the following banking details:

Bank: FNB
Account Holder: Ilada Holdings
Account No: 62771564781
Branch Code: 250 655
Reference: Your Name and Surname

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